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Visibility Rules

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to publicize the fact that the European Union has financed the Program.

In addition, the Contractor shall take the necessary measures to ensure the visibility of the European Union financing or co financing. These measures must comply with the rules laid down and published by the Commission on the visibility of external operations:

All projects /contract implemented under this programme shall comply with the Visibility Guidelines for European Commission Projects in Türkiye published by the EU Delegation to Türkiye, at:

All communication and visibility activities should be carried out in close co-operation with the CFCU. The CFCU is the main authority in charge of reviewing and approving visibility-related materials and activities. Before initiating any information, communication or visibility material and activity, contractors and implementing partners should seek the approval of the CFCU in writing.

The EU-Türkiye cooperation logo should be accompanied by the following text:

“This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.”

Whether used in the form of the EU-Türkiye cooperation logo for information materials or separately at events, the EU and Turkish flag have to enjoy at least double prominence each, both in terms of size and placement in relation to other displayed logos and should appear on all materials and at all events as per the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions. At visibility events, the Turkish and the EU flag have to be displayed prominently and separately from any logos.

Logos of the beneficiary institution and the CFCU should be clearly separated from the EU-Türkiye partnership logo and be maximum half the size of each flag. The logos will not be accompanied by any text. The CFCU and Beneficiary logo will be on the lower left-hand corner and lower right-hand corner respectively. The Contractor logo with the same size will be in the middle of the CFCU and Beneficiary logo. If the Contractor is a consortium, only the logo of the consortium leader will be displayed.

Any publication by the Contractor, in whatever form and by whatever medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar warning: “This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union”. In addition, the back cover of any such publications by the Contractor should also contain the following disclaimer: “The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of name of the author/Contractor/implementing partner – and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union”.