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Wish You a Happy Eid

We wish you a happy, peaceful, healthy bayram with your family.

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Cooperation protocol between our Unit and the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (TBB) has been signed in order to contribute to the efficient use of European Union Funds with an innovative and professional public understanding, through training activities to be given to municipal managers and staff.

We would like to thank all CFCU and TBB teams who contributed to the process and hope for a fruitful cooperation.

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Controllers Will Be Recruited Under The Cross-border Cooperation Programmes

Within the scope of the projects implemented under the Cross-border Cooperation Programmes that Türkiye is a participant, controllers will be recruited for the verification of expenditures according to the Programme rules. The last application date is set as March 15, 2024.

You can access the details from the link below.…;

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Approval of 2014 AAP FA Amendment No:3

The approval decision of Amendment No:3 of IPA II Period 2014 AAP Financing Agreement, was published in Official Gazette on 13.02.2024. You can access the aforementioned document from the link below.

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Meeting on the European Solidarity Fund (EUSF) for the Earthquake Region

The agreement amounting to 400 Million € is signed under the EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF) . Our Unit will take part in the verification of tender procedures and payment expenditure processes to be used in the hospital, school, infrastructure construction and restoration works to be built in the region. We have started to work in cooperation with our stakeholders.

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CFCU & TKDK Cooperation Protocol Signed

We signed the Cooperation Protocol between our Unit and the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution on February 8, 2024, aiming to use funds within the scope of Türkiye-EU financial cooperation effectively and efficiently and strengthen institutional capacities within the framework of institutional powers and responsibilities.

We would like to thank all CFCU and TKDK teams who contributed to the process and hope for a fruitful cooperation.

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Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme- Information E-mails

Those who are eligible to take the written exam for Jean Monnet Scholarship of 2024-2025 Academic Year, have been informed via e-mail. For detailed information, the candidates can check their registered e-mails within today. We wish success to all candidates who will take the exam.

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Call for Proposals for “Grant Scheme for Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue II"

We published the Call for Proposals for “Grant Scheme for Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue II”. You can submit your project proposals to the CFCU until April 16, 2024.

Grant Scheme for Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue II

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Approval of 2015 AAP FA Amendment No:2

The approval decision of Amendment No:2 of IPA II Period 2015 AAP Financing Agreement, was published in Official Gazette on 24.01.2024. You can access the aforementioned document from the link below.

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National Internship Programme 2024 Applications

#NationalInternshipProgramme 2024 applications have started! We are #SeninİçinSeferbiriz! for you with all our internship opportunities!

Application Link:

Application Deadline: 10 March 2024

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