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IPA- Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Website has been opened

IPA Website ( which was created to promote the IPA Funds and their areas of use and provide information about the financial cooperation between the EU and Turkey has been opened within the scope of “Strengthening of an Integrated Strategic Approach to Increase Efficiency and Productivity of IPA Funds during the third period (2021-2027)” Project. The related website was opened under the leadership of the Directorate for EU Affairs and it gathers all EU Funds under a single roof.

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Expert Personnel Recruitment

The announcement for the Expert Personnel Recruitment has been published. Candidates can apply until 31 October 2022 through the link below.

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Eligible Candidates for Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme

The candidates who are eligible for the 2022-2023 Academic Year Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme have been announced. We sent the exam results to our candidates via e-mail. We congratulate our candidates who achieved the exam.

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CFCU at Its 20th Anniversary

You can access our book prepared for our 20th anniversary, from the link below:

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May 9 Europe Day

Happy Europe Day!

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Martyrs' Day Commemoration and Gallipoly Naval Victory

We commemorate our martyrs with respect and gratitude.

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March 8 Women's Day

Happy Women's Day.

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Clarifications for Town Twinning between Turkey and EU-II Grant Scheme Is Published

Clarifications for “Town Twinning between Turkey and EU-II (Twinning for a Green Future) Grant Scheme (TTGS-II) (CFCU/ TR2020/DG/01/A2-01 - EuropeAid/173144/ID/ACT/TR)” is published.

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Always Better Together

Happy 20th anniversary.

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Important Notice

Information/complaints have been shared with our Unit recently that some private organizations and individuals have been contacted by using the name/logo of our Unit, indicating that they have been contacted to receive funding under various grant, infrastructure and investment programs.

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